How to lose 7 kg in a week?

Losing weight in a week is real, but it takes effort. You should not only follow a diet, but also exercise and give up bad habits. To maintain the obtained result, it is necessary to leave the diet without problems and continue eating healthy foods.

Lose weight 7 kg in a week

how to lose weight quickly in 7 kg

To lose 7 kg in a week, you need to properly combine diet and exercise. However, it must be remembered that a strenuous diet has a negative effect on metabolism.

Large restrictions can cause a number of gastrointestinal problems. During the diet, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes that will help to replenish the nutritional deficiency in the body. Physical activity should be properly distributed and take breaks periodically.

Before starting a diet, it is recommended to consult a specialist, as certain contraindications may occur.

Basic nutritional rules to lose weight quickly

There are a number of basic nutritional guidelines to help you lose weight.

Key Recommendations:

  1. Drink only water or green tea. Drinks that contain caffeine, sugar, and other additives should be completely excluded. A glass of plain water with a lot of appetite will help to dull it and prevent it from breaking.
  2. You should give up simple carbohydrates and replace them with complex ones. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed fairly quickly and have minimal nutritional value. These include candy, cookies, regular pasta, and white rice. Complex carbohydrates contain fiber. It contains a large amount of nutrients that the body absorbs well.
  3. Lean proteins must be present in the diet. These are skinless chicken breast, salmon, and lean meat.
  4. It is necessary to completely abandon fast food and other junk food. These are empty carbohydrates and are high in trans fat, sugar, and salt.

The key to effective weight loss is the right combination of exercise and diet. You must stop smoking and drinking alcohol completely.

How to properly lose 7 kg per week

general principles of rapid weight loss

To lose 7 kg per week, you need to choose a rational diet and not too hungry. The first step is to reduce the amount of fat you eat. These are butter, sausage, mayonnaise, and hard cheese.

For a good result, you should not eat porridge more than 3 times a week. The glycemic index should be considered. Foods with a high glycemic index slow down metabolic processes, which increases the number of fat cells.

Pay attention to the compatibility of the products. To achieve good results, you need to correctly calculate the amount of fat and carbohydrates on the plate.

Replace sweets with fruits. Apples, blueberries, currants and plums will be helpful.

If you follow a diet, there is a high risk of excretion of nutrients and trace elements from the body. Feeling intense hunger often leads to breakdowns and even more weight gain.

Fast and effective diets

There are many quick and effective diets that can help you lose weight in just one week. Some of the most effective are:

  1. Favorite.Assume a cycle of daily mono-diets: drinkable, vegetable, fruit, protein and balanced.
  2. Bonn soup.A food system of this type consists of the use of plant foods. The base is the Bonn soup, which consists of tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, onions, and celery.
  3. Buckwheat and kefir.In this case, the buckwheat should not be boiled or steamed.
  4. Kefir.It allows you not only to lose weight, but also to improve the functioning of the fat glands, the circulatory and digestive systems.

When choosing a diet, you should pay attention to its complexity and the availability of the products it suggests. Before starting a dietary course, you should consult a dietitian. Otherwise, unpleasant side effects are possible.

Nutritional Tips

For weight loss to be effective and correct, it is necessary to study the basic advice of nutritionists. They recommend paying special attention to psychological preparation for the new nutritional system. You need to tune in to change the usual way of life, giving up bad habits and passive rest.

Experts believe that by losing excess weight, a person will get rid of many complexes, atherosclerosis, hypertension and other possible diseases caused by obesity.

Key nutritional recommendations:

  1. You need to drink enough water a day, you should not be dehydrated.
  2. Drink a glass of warm lemon water immediately after waking up.
  3. Meals must be divided. The optimal amount of meals is 5-6 times.
  4. Don't skip your morning meal.
  5. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
  6. Avoid fried foods altogether.
  7. It is recommended to use extra virgin olive oil for salad dressing.

Beforehand, you should come up with a menu for the week and a training plan.

Sample weekly diet menu

diet for a week to lose weight of 7 kg

The most common version of a weekly diet for fast weight loss is kefir. You need to drink up to five hundred milliliters of kefir with one percent fat per day. Strong coffee, salt, and sugar should be avoided. The water and herbal tea can be drunk without restrictions.

Menu of the basic version of the kefir diet:

  1. Monday- kefir and 4 ounces baked potatoes, no salt added.
  2. Tuesday- kefir and four hundred grams of cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat.
  3. Wednesday- kefir and four hundred grams of fruit. All kinds of fruits are allowed except bananas and grapes.
  4. Thursday- kefir and four hundred grams of boiled chicken breast.
  5. Friday- kefir and four hundred grams of fruit.
  6. Saturdayis ​​a fast day. You need to drink a liter and a half of still water.
  7. Sunday- kefir and four hundred grams of fruit.

This diet is pretty tough, but it works well. With a sharp deterioration in health, you need to abandon the kefir nutrition system.

Contraindications for rapid weight loss

There are categories of people who are categorically contraindicated in rapid weight loss.

These include:

  1. Children and adolescents.Your body needs high-quality, balanced nutrition. In its absence, problems with the normal growth and development of the body are possible.
  2. Pregnant women.During the baby's gestation period, all necessary vitamins and nutrients should be supplied to the woman's body. They help the body cope with stress and additional stress that increases as the fetus develops.
  3. Women during lactation.Strict diets can cause a lack of nutrients in breast milk and this negatively affects the health of the baby.
  4. rapid weight loss methods in 7 kg
  5. Women during menopause.In the climacteric period, there is an increase in hormones, so a woman can recover greatly.
  6. Older people.They should pay special attention to their health. Lack of certain nutrients and vitamins can lead to the development of dangerous diseases.

The diet to lose weight should be abandoned if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the genitourinary system and chronic diseases. Direct contraindications are diabetes mellitus and oncology.

Weekly weight loss diets allow you to lose up to 7 kg of excess weight. They suggest a fairly strict dietary restriction. To maintain the obtained result, you must leave the diet smoothly, adhering to the principles of a healthy diet.