How to lose 5 kg in a week

One week is a real term for losing an average of five extra pounds, the result of which will be noticeable to others. Just follow the simple rules, and if you want and have no contraindications, go on a quick diet.

slimming products in a week for 5 days

Every woman has many reasons to lose weight quickly: spring has come, the holidays are approaching, an important event is approaching. Some simple tips will help you make her plan:

  • do not eat three hours before bedtime, eat in small portions and only when she is hungry;
  • do not use semi-finished products, snacks, fried, sweets;
  • control weight and count calories;
  • drink 2 liters of water a day;
  • do breathing exercises;
  • Regulate physical activity.

Losing weight in a week following diets

How to lose 5 kg in a week, avoiding the exhaustion of hunger is a completely feasible task. There is not much time, sports activities, changes in the daily routine and breathing exercises will not have time to show the result. But strict adherence to a certain diet will help. Many different schedules have been developed, so everyone can choose a diet that suits their preferences and capabilities.

After deciding on a weekly diet, choose:

  1. A diet that is comfortable for you, including familiar foods. Avoid too meager and monotonous diets, they can harm your health.
  2. A meal schedule that does not require drastic changes in the usual way of life. It is very important not to overestimate the capabilities of your willpower.
  3. Really achievable goal (it is impossible to lose 20 kg in 7 days). Quickly lost pounds often "pile up" just as quickly.
  4. An effective plan that allows you to lose five kilograms in a week and maintain the result achieved. Take extra steps to lose weight in the future.

Lose weight by 5 kg? Use cute diets!

Lose weight by using a product. The method is specific and psychologically difficult. Not everyone will be able to eat monotonously for 7 days, even if they treat food like medicine: unpleasant, but necessary.

The kefir diet is considered harsh, suitable for strong-willed women who want to lose one kilogram a day. It involves the daily use of a liter and a half of kefir plus up to 400 g of low-calorie foods to choose from: baked potatoes, cottage cheese, boiled chicken breast, fruits. The sixth day: just kefir and water.

Impressive weight loss is obtained by using steamed buckwheat. A glass of cereal washed with boiling water is poured overnight. There are no restrictions on the amount of porridge intake, but it is recommended to divide the use into 6 times a day, do not eat before bedtime. Allowed for a week low-fat kefir (up to one liter per day) or green apples (three pieces).

Low calorie diets

We lose weight by reducing calories from food. The body takes energy from internal "reserves" so the excess begins to burn. This is called starvation diets. Basic principles of low-calorie diets:

  • the norm of the plate is 200 g (woman) and 300 g (man), six meals a day;
  • the total calorie content of the food consumed per day: for a woman - 1300 kcal, for a man - 1700 kcal;
  • be sure to drink one and a half to two liters of water a day.

Protein diet

Protein, which is prevalent in the diet, affects chemical processes and speeds up metabolism. Positive feedback was collected from the nutrition plan below. It is recommended to follow the proposed order of food intake, drink plenty of water, exclude dinner. Vegetables can be seasoned with a drop of olive oil, meat (fish) can be boiled or steamed. Salt, sugar, alcohol are prohibited.

  1. Breakfast: 50 g of fish, lettuce, a glass of kefir. Lunch: egg, 90 g of chicken fillet, rye bread.
  2. Breakfast: 80 g of beef, celery, 1 boiled carrot and 1 potato, green tea. Lunch: 120 g each of low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, oatmeal (steamed with water), 5 dates.
  3. Breakfast: a glass of chicken broth, 50 g of chicken breast, 3 loaves of bread. Lunch: 50 g of veal, rye bread, spinach, apple, orange.
  4. Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, a glass of kefir, tomatoes. Lunch: rice, a glass of fresh citrus fruits, 100 g of cottage cheese, prunes, orange, kiwi.
  5. Breakfast: 60 g of beef, egg, cucumber, bell pepper. Lunch: chicken breast, two potatoes, grapefruit, apple, 50 g of nuts.
  6. Breakfast: half a glass of chicken broth, 50 g of fish, rye bread, green tea, a tablespoon of honey. Lunch: rice, tomato, yogurt, kiwi, banana.
  7. Breakfast: buckwheat, 60 g of chicken breast, bell pepper, nuts, green tea. Lunch: lentils, 100 g of beef, yogurt, 30 g of almonds.

When drawing up a schedule, nutritional rules are taken into account, calorie content is calculated. A fast diet is contraindicated for gastritis, diabetes, ulcers, kidney and liver problems. It can cause allergies, depression, loss of energy, adversely affect the condition of the skin and hair. You cannot use this method for pregnant women and teenagers.

When losing weight, it is necessary to take fruits and vegetables, a large amount of water. Salt is minimized, alcohol and carbonated water are excluded. The desserts are replaced by nuts.

It is difficult to lose 5 kg urgently, but it is possible with some volunteer efforts and dedication. Choose a schedule that you can follow personally, don't forget about exercise, eat right after you go off the diet.