Lipoic acid for weight loss

lipoic acid for weight loss

To reduce weight, women are ready to use any means and method. When it is clear that diet and exercise are not producing the desired result, you should seek the support of pharmacists. Thanks to the efforts of the latter, many dietary supplements and vitamin-like agents appear on the shelves of pharmacies and sports nutrition stores every year to shape a figure by normalizing metabolism and restoring the balance of nutrients in the body. Only a few are effective and safe. Among them is lipoic acid. For weight loss, it began to be used relatively recently, but it immediately showed a powerful effect and gained many favorable reviews. However, you don't need to be overly hopeful: Doctors caution that "passive" weight loss with lipoic acid is unlikely.

Properties (edit)

Lipoic acid (thioctic or alpha lipoic acid, ALA, LA, vitamin N, lipoate, thioctacid) is a vitamin-like substance endowed with antioxidant properties. From the point of view of the effect on the body, that is, the biochemical characteristics, it has a lot in common with the B vitamins. Externally, it looks like a crystalline powder of a light yellow hue. The taste is bitter. It does not dissolve in water. As a drug and dietary supplement, it is most often produced in capsules, tablets, injectable solutions.

Discovered LK in 1937. Then scientists have identified bacteria that contain this chemical. The antioxidant properties of lipoate became known several years later. Since then, research on this topic has not stopped. As a result, it was determined that up to a certain age, on average 30 years, LA is produced by the body, but the amount revealed is not enough to obtain significant benefits. We compensate for the deficiency of the substance with the help of products that contain it:

  • bananas
  • yeast;
  • vegetables
  • lush vegetation;
  • mushrooms;
  • Luke;
  • wheat grains;
  • beef and offal;
  • eggs and dairy products.

It is true that there is a "but": to maintain an optimal supply of lipoic acid in the body, you will need to eat only the products from the specified list, while absorbing them in unmeasured amounts. It is much easier and more convenient to use pharmaceuticals.

Speaking of vitamin N as a medicine, the following properties can be distinguished:

  • protection of the body from free radicals and poisonous "agents";
  • ensuring the correct functioning of the pancreas;
  • improvement of visual functions;
  • beneficial effect on the skeletal system;
  • positive effect on blood vessels and the heart;
  • decrease in inflammation markers;
  • normalization of the psycho-emotional state and memory improvement.

Since thioctacide is partially produced by the body, it is organically perceived by cells.

Initially, ALA was used to protect the liver and restore its cells in the event of intoxication, including alcoholic ones, and was later used to build muscle mass in athletes. Today lipoic acid is of great interest precisely as a means to lose weight. Does she help in this direction? Definitely. Once in the body, alpha-lipoic acid is converted to lipoamide, which triggers fat and energy metabolism, thereby "speeding up" the metabolism. Normal metabolism is a fundamental criterion for a slim figure, since weight loss is based on the difference between the energy consumed and that expended.

Experts identify three particularly beneficial properties of vitamin N for weight loss:

Appetite suppression

Lipoate helps lower blood sugar levels, thereby blocking hunger. That is why it is attributed to diabetics. By helping cells assimilate glucose and stimulating production of the hormone insulin by the pancreas, LA restores carbohydrate balance and activates lipid metabolism. At the same time, a decrease in appetite is considered nothing more than one of the side effects of LK, which those who lose weight successfully use to benefit the figure.

Scientists have been able to show that when a sufficient amount of a vitamin-like substance is consumed, the body can more easily cope with irritability and alleviate psycho-emotional discomfort. As a result, the need to "take advantage" of stress disappears.

Reduction of body fat.

Despite the attempt by many dietary supplement manufacturers to present alpha lipoic acid as a potent fat burner, this property is not typical of it. In fact, ALA only prevents subcutaneous fat formation by actively converting carbohydrates into energy. A series of points determined by its action allow a significant reduction in fat reserves when taking thioctacide: elimination of toxins and toxins, oxidation and elimination of decomposition products.

It should be noted that regular use of LA helps prevent the formation of stretch marks, which are hallmarks of thinning skin.

Elimination of physical fatigue.

Controlling the level of alpha lipoic acid in the body leads to a lowering of the fatigue threshold. This means that workouts can be long-lasting without feeling overwhelmed. As a result, the person achieves the best results and therefore the fastest shaping of the body.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is a mistake to consider lipoate as a panacea for excess weight. It is characterized by both positive and negative aspects that should be taken into account before starting the course.


  • in the form of drugs and vitamin complexes it is relatively inexpensive;
  • normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  • increases the stability of the nervous system;
  • protects the liver from adverse environmental factors;
  • improves endurance, gives a load of liveliness;
  • protects from solar radiation;
  • relieves skin from stretch marks;
  • reduces the risk of eye damage (retinopathy) in diabetic patients;
  • supports the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • can be used by patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • does not require adherence to diets;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • it is a natural remedy.


  • with illiterate use, it provokes the development of side effects;
  • requires several courses;
  • does not guarantee permanent results;
  • it is not combined with alcohol in any amount;
  • in the form of dietary supplements it is quite expensive.

Instructions for use

For lipoate body shaping to produce results, it is important to know exactly how to correctly calculate the dose and duration of the course. Thioctacid has a special chemical activity and reacts with other compounds, therefore the characteristics of its use should also be studied in advance.


Since the substance enters the pharmaceutical market in the form of drugs and dietary supplements, manufacturers make their own recommendations on the dosage of lipoic acid for weight loss. Doctors have established special rules on how to use the drug, obeying the law "do no harm":

  • in the absence of medical indications, the daily rate of ALA is up to 50 mg;
  • a dose of 75 mg can be used exclusively in the course of complex treatment of liver, heart and kidney diseases;
  • diabetics are usually prescribed at least 400 mg of vitamin N per day;
  • the maximum daily dose of thioctazide for healthy people is 100 mg;
  • with a significant increase in physical activity, the dose of thioctacide can be increased several times, with high-intensity cardiovascular training - up to 500 mg.

If you are considering the question of weight loss, the minimum dose for women is 30-50 mg per day (three times a day for 10-15 mg), for men 50-75 mg (three times a day for 20-25 mg). mg). The dose for intramuscular injection should not exceed 50 mg. Some sources state that results can only be achieved when taking 100 to 200 mg of ALA per day. In any case, to prevent the development of a negative reaction of the body, you need to start taking it with small doses.

Neurologist D. Perlmutter, author of the "Brain Nutrition Diet, " considers 600 mg of LA to be a mandatory daily dose for anyone who wants to eliminate the consequences of long-term abuse of fast carbohydrates. In fact, without a prescription and without the necessary physical activity, such an amount of thioctazide can result in a severe deterioration of well-being.

The duration of a lipoate weight loss course is limited to 2-3 weeks, although to achieve a high-quality result, it is possible to increase the duration up to 1 month. It is impossible to continue using the substance without interruption, as there is a real risk to health. The optimal interval between courses is 1 month, but it is better to keep two.

special instructions

  1. The best time to take LA (intramuscularly) is in the morning and in the evening.
  2. To prevent the development of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, the use of ALA in the form of drugs or dietary supplements should be done after meals.
  3. Dairy products are consumed at least 4 hours after consuming vitamin N, as it reduces the absorption of calcium.
  4. Athletes should take vitamin N supplements half an hour after finishing training.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to combine the intake of lipoate and alcohol. The latter blocks the beneficial properties of vitamin N. Also, while losing weight with lipoic acid, a large amount of alcohol can lead to the development of nausea and dizziness.
  6. After several weeks of active use of ALA in the form of oral preparations or solution for intramuscular injection, the urine may acquire a specific odor. This moment should not be alarming and scary, as it is the norm.
  7. It's best to stop taking serious medications while using ALA, but you should talk to your doctor first.
  8. Losing weight with alpha lipoic acid doesn't have to be "passive. "To improve your performance, you need to exercise and eat well. There is an explanation for this. With intensive training, microtraumas appear in the muscles, and when the diet is changed, chemical changes are triggered in the body. Under the pressure of these circumstances, oxidative processes are activated in the body, causing the acceleration of the formation of free radicals. By neutralizing them, LA is "restored" and takes a course of antioxidant effect again. The result of an integrated approach to weight loss is noticeable 1, 5 weeks after the start of the course. In general, in 3 weeks you can become 4-7 kg lighter.

Side effects

As a general rule, side effects with the use of lipoic acid are extremely rare. An exception is an overdose and an unnecessarily long period of admission. If the following symptoms occur, capsules, tablets, and other forms of drug therapy should be stopped immediately:

  • stomach ache;
  • Anaphylactic shock;
  • acne;
  • hyperemia throughout the body;
  • headache;
  • Metallic flavor in the mouth;
  • Diarrhea;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • urticaria;
  • skin itch;
  • increased pressure;
  • cramps and double vision;
  • holding your breath;
  • eczema;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Since thioctacid affects the level of thyroid hormones, hypothyroidism is likely to develop if used incorrectly. The condition is accompanied by the following symptoms: yellowing of the skin, decreased body temperature, decreased blood pressure, chills, anemia, drowsiness, failure of the menstrual cycle.

If vitamin N is used in the form of a solution for the preparation of injections, then bleeding into the mucous membranes and skin is added to the side effects.

Some people who lose weight find that an increase in the daily dose of the substance will lead to faster weight loss and bring more benefits to the body. This opinion is extremely wrong. Rather, on the contrary: an overdose is life threatening, as it even leads to hypoglycemic coma and blood clotting disorders. The following methods are prescribed to help with critical conditions:

  • symptomatic therapy;
  • gastric lavage;
  • artificial induction of vomiting;
  • reception of activated carbon.

It is important to know that all these manipulations can be useless, since medicine does not know a specific antidote. That is why, before drinking LC or making injections with solutions containing it, you should carefully study the instructions.


Ignoring the contraindications for the use of vitamin N can have negative consequences for the whole organism, so they should be studied with special seriousness:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 16 years (in some sources - up to 6 or 14);
  • gastritis;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

Drug interactions

Due to the risk of excessively lowering blood sugar levels, lipoate should not be taken at the same time as insulin. Cisplatin contributes to the decrease in the effectiveness of vitamin N. In addition, the prohibition of simultaneous intake applies to vitamin complexes containing calcium, magnesium and iron.

Storage conditions

Thioctacide capsules and tablets should be stored in their original packaging and protected from contact with moisture. Ampoules for the preparation of the solution have a pronounced photosensitivity, so it is important not to allow direct sunlight to fall on them. After the expiration of the expiration date established by the manufacturer, the use of LC in any of the forms presented in the pharmaceutical market is prohibited to avoid poisoning.


LA-containing drugs on the modern market can be divided into three groups:


LA drugs are the most primitive group that can, although not desirable, be used for weight loss due to the high risk of developing negative reactions with an illiterate approach. Medications are often disguised as tablets (t) and solutions.

The average indicator of the content of the active substance (LA) in drugs is 300 mg per dose.

The effect of taking lipoic acid drugs on weight loss may not be immediately noticeable due to the lack of additional substances with fat-burning and metabolic effects, but it will be possible to get rid of a few kilograms with training and nutrition.

Dietary supplements

It is much more convenient to use vitamin N to lose weight in the form of dietary supplements, also enriched with various components. Their assortment is wide enough on the market. Each manufacturer clearly states how and how much to take the drug, which is very convenient.

Important! ALA supplements should be taken strictly according to the prescribed course duration. Otherwise, it can accustom the body to a constant intake of substances that stimulate the metabolism and cause a "withdrawal syndrome", which causes the body to refuse to produce thioctazide on its own.


The ALA content in vitamin complexes is not as high as in dietary supplements and medicines, so they are used for prophylactic purposes. In the case of weight loss, it is possible to use it to maintain the result obtained.

Despite the fact that lipoate is one of the few remedies to lose weight without harm to health, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting a course. If the goal is to lose weight, it is better to use dietary supplements, not medications.