Favorite diet 7 days

Many people are now hearing about the "Favorite" diet for 7 days. It is very peculiar, it is based on several options to lose weight. This system generates many conflicting opinions: some are delighted with it and others cause concern. What is the secret of the popularity of the diet, let's take a closer look.

Favorite diet 7 days

The concept of diet is based on a system of fasting days. This technique is used by many nutritionists. They recommend periodic unloading days to correct weight. But the "Favorite" 7-day diet, his menu, recommends going on several days of fasting at a time during the week.

Based on this concept, the basic principles to lose weight with this technique were developed:

  • Eat a group of similar foods on the same day. If drinking is recommended, it can be any product in liquid form: broths, teas, herbal teas, kefir, etc. There are 3 days to drink: the first, the third, the sixth. Protein foods, fruits, and vegetables are selected according to the same principle. The second day is dedicated to vegetables, the fourth to fruits. Only in the last time is it planned to go off the diet, so the diet is gentler - different dishes are allowed.
  • Strict control over food volume. As with any unloading day, a certain intake rhythm is established. Thanks to such restrictions, it is possible to lose at least 7 kg in a short time.
  • Must have experience in performing fast days. This is an important condition, as it will be very difficult to support this method of weight loss out of habit. It is recommended to try one day of this diet before starting. If you think you can master this weight loss method, you can move on to the full version.
  • Don't diet for more than a week. Now there is an option for half a month. But its use, due to a meager diet, threatens health problems. It is not recommended to use "Favorite" more than three times a year.

In fact, the diet combined 2 popular weight loss systems: separate meals and fast days based on liquid meals. The first option absolutely excludes fatty foods, products of different categories do not mix, which facilitates the work of the digestive tract. The second option helps to remove excess fluid. It is this combination that worries doctors. They are convinced that such disturbances with a sharp change in the diet violate the balanced work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications and contraindications

how to lose weight with a beloved diet

In fact, the favorite diet is 7 days with a strong calorie restriction. As one of the types of strict diets, it can be used by women who do not have special health problems. Only people with a lot of weight will have a noticeable result.

Those who suffer from a chronic disease should be careful when choosing this method of weight loss. The diet is contraindicated for diabetes, gastritis, colitis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, during the recovery period after surgery.Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited!

Carrying and feeding a child, as well as gastrointestinal diseases are contraindications

"Favorite" is not suitable for those who suffer from emotional overeating. Despite the fact that it is advertised that you lose up to 10 kg per week, the diet is not suitable for obese people. Due to a change in diet, they may experience a sharp drop in blood sugar. Possible consequences include headaches, weakness, and dizziness.

Nutritionists advise you to evaluate your options before switching to such a diet and remind you that these diets slow down your metabolism and lead to muscle breakdown.

List of required products

"Favorite" is a 7-day diet, where the menu must contain only the foods allowed on the list.

For drinking days:

  1. fruit and vegetable juices without pulp;
  2. compotes, unsweetened fruit jelly;
  3. black, green, any herbal teas, unsweetened coffee and milk;
  4. milk, low-fat kefir;
  5. chicken fillet broth;
  6. clean water.

For Vegetable Day, all vegetables except potatoes and corn. They can be boiled, baked, made into salads with fresh vegetables with a small addition of lemon juice, soy sauce and a few drops of olive oil.

For a fruit day: any fruit except grapes, persimmons, bananas and mangoes. Give preference to fruits that help burn fat: kiwi, pineapple, grapefruit.

Recommended on a protein day:

  • veal;
  • beef;
  • rabbit;
  • chicken;
  • turkey;
  • quail, chicken eggs;
  • fish, seafood;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • buckwheat.

Daily menu

On the "Favorite" diet for 7 days, the menu is written in detail for each day.

The following rules must be followed:

  1. The order of days cannot be reversed.
  2. You can not replace food in the diet, strictly adhere to the list of recommended dishes.
  3. Although the diet allows you to eat an unlimited amount of food, it is best to adhere to these guidelines.
  4. The number of meals per day is unlimited.

First day: drink

The first day is the most restrictive to start the diet. The menu contains only liquid dishes. Of the drinks, we recommend herbal infusions (with mint, thyme) without sugar, still water, vegetable juices (carrot, tomato, cucumber), rosehip infusion. Fruit juices are not allowed: they contain a lot of glucose. For lunch, enjoy 200 ml of any broth: fish, meat, chicken, but do not add salt, just a little spice. For dinner, drink low-fat kefir, milk, or yogurt, but not purchased.

If the day is called "drinking", this does not mean that drinks are allowed. Under the prohibition: low alcohol alcoholic beverages.

Second day: vegetable day

rules for losing weight on a favorite diet

The second day is dedicated to vegetables. After a half-starved Monday, Tuesday's diet will seem very satisfying. But it is not worth increasing the portions.

The menu consists of vegetables, except beets and potatoes. You can cook them in any way: make salads from them, bake, stew, boil, but frying is prohibited.

Salt is off-limits again, but add spices for flavor and a little olive oil and lemon juice to dress salads. The amount of cooked vegetables should not exceed 1. 5 kg. Divide this amount into 5 meals.

Drink 1. 5 liters of water a day.

Third day: drink

Today's diet is again liquid dishes. Use those foods that did not enter the menu on the first day. The restrictions are the same.

Fourth day: fruity

A fruit day is not easy. But fruits have a peculiarity: they instantly create a feeling of satiety, as they contain glucose. But that is why the feeling of fullness disappears quickly after an hour. Only water saves from this. You need to drink it at least 2 to 2. 5 liters. On this day, you can eat any fruits and berries, except those that contain a lot of sugar: bananas, grapes, raisins, dried apricots. Choose fruits that help you burn fat. These are kiwi, pineapple, orange, grapefruit, green apples. They are eaten only fresh.

Fifth day: protein

Sitting on a favorite diet and making a menu for 7 days, many, as testimonials attest, are happy with the start of a protein day. Compared to the previous days, the diet is more satisfactory. Choose proteins that are easy to digest. These are chicken fillet, sea fish, beef, low-fat cottage cheese, quail, or chicken eggs. The cooking methods are different, except for frying. Steam meat and fish, bake in foil so as not to reduce the amount of protein in the food. Don't forget the spices: they will add a spicier flavor to your dishes. Watch the serving size, no more than 300g is allowed at a time. For better digestion of protein foods, drink plenty of plain water, not with meals, but between meals.

Sixth day: drink

After a good day of protein, another restriction arrives: a day to drink. Double the first and third days.

Seventh day: balanced nutrition

The seventh day is dedicated to the gradual exit from the diet. The diet becomes more varied and rich. Includes all products from the previous days. Any combination is allowed. Include in the menu a light vegetable soup with buckwheat, boiled eggs, baked chicken fillet with vegetables. For sandwiches, take kefir, any fruit. Divide all foods into 5 meals and before bed, drink a glass of kefir or yogurt. The amount of food consumed per meal still does not exceed 300 g.

Leave the "favorite" diet

Anyone with experience losing weight through a diet knows how important it is to complete it correctly. Having dropped the hated pounds and feeling like a true hero, you shouldn't immediately reward yourself with plenty of food. How to get out of the "Favorite" diet, calculated for 7 days, to maintain the results obtained?

The next morning, you should eat 2 hard-boiled eggs, for lunch, limit yourself to a cup of chicken broth or any vegetable soup, and for dinner prepare a vegetable salad, seasoning with lemon. During the day, unsweetened fruit is allowed as a snack.

How to preserve the result

food for your favorite diet

To consolidate the result, it is recommended to follow the diet of the last seventh day. You need to hold out for at least a week.

Then gradually increase the calorie content of food, but in the first month it is better to completely abandon pastry and sweets.

Nutritionists are skeptical of such rigid diets. They note that drastically limiting calories to a minimum, using more than 1 fast day per week, and a nutrient-poor diet can be detrimental. Yes, with this diet you can lose around 1 kg per day.

As you lose pounds, you simultaneously reduce muscle mass and slow down your metabolism. And from there it follows that after returning to the previous diet, lowered in such a barbaric way, the kilograms will return. Therefore, it is more rational to switch to proper nutrition and try to speed up the metabolism through physical activity.